caitlyn keys esthetician

As a young girl, Caitlyn always knew she would grow up and do something that made people feel beautiful. After obtaining an education in Business Management and Finance, she felt challenged to find a way to marry her pragmatic business approach with her desire to help people feel good and leave the world more beautiful than she found it.

Armed with solid financial sensibilities and a business acumen already well in tact, Caitlyn needed only to identify a vehicle by which to apply her practical knowledge and skill. Upon discovering her love for Esthetics, and enrolling in Cosmetology school, she quickly discovered a way to bridge her enthusiasm for business and beauty within the personal care industry.

Enter K.E.Y.S. Skin Care, an acronym for Keep Enhancing Your Skin. Her personal esthetics model allows Caitlyn to leverage her passion for unlocking inner and outer beauty and extend her professional skin care services to each and every individual seeking relaxation in body, mind and spirit.