When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me," - Erma Bombeck

With a song in her heart and a visionary's spirit, Peg has certainly choreographed a life aligned with the above statement. Her foray into the world of performance began with the charming production of backyard talent shows, a prelude to a lifelong dedication to the arts. For over fifty years, she has been a beacon of harmony and leadership as a church musician and director, touching lives with every note and guiding gesture.

Her stage extends beyond the sacred halls, embracing the vibrant community of theater. As a performer, music director, and skilled bass player, she has illuminated elementary, high school, and community theater with her multifaceted talent and infectious enthusiasm.

Amidst the melodies and stagecraft, Peg has also cultivated a distinguished career as a network and systems engineer, bringing a symphony of logic and innovation to the field. Balancing the precision of technology with the fluidity of the arts, she has composed an inspiring life narrative.

Together with her husband, she has nurtured a family, raising a son to the harmonies of her dual passions. Combining creativity and problem solving, Peg's journey is a testament to her enduring commitment to her craft, her family, and her community—a melodic and memorable legacy that continues to unfold.